Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Java compile error because of text encoding

I have the magical ability to find every possible error in the course of learning about something. Take for example todays exploits. I'm developing on windows XP using Notepad++.

I'm reading "Java For Artists—The Art, Philosophy, and Science of Object-Oriented Programming" and given the simple code below:

Example 2.1: SampleClass.java

package com.pulpfreepress.jfa.chapter1;

import java.util.*;

public class SampleClass {
Class and instance field declarations
public static final int CONST_VAL = 25;
private static int class_variable = 0;
private int instance_variable = 0;

public SampleClass(){
System.out.println("Sample Class Lives!");

public static void setClassVariable(int val){
class_variable = val;

public static int getClassVariable(){
return class_variable;

public void setInstanceVariable(int val){
instance_variable = val;

public int getInstanceVariable(){
return instance_variable;

Example 2.2: ApplicationClass.java

package com.pulpfreepress.jfa.chapter1;

public class ApplicationClass {

public static void main(String args[]){
SampleClass sc = new SampleClass();


I still got compile errors as such:
[parsing started src\com\pulpfreepress\jfa\chapter1\ApplicationClass.java]
src\com\pulpfreepress\jfa\chapter1\ApplicationClass.java:1: 'class' or 'interface' expected
package com.pulpfreepress.jfa.chapter1;
src\com\pulpfreepress\jfa\chapter1\ApplicationClass.java:1: illegal character: \187
package com.pulpfreepress.jfa.chapter1;
src\com\pulpfreepress\jfa\chapter1\ApplicationClass.java:1: illegal character: \191
package com.pulpfreepress.jfa.chapter1;
[parsing completed 62ms]
[parsing started src\com\pulpfreepress\jfa\chapter1\SampleClass.java]
src\com\pulpfreepress\jfa\chapter1\SampleClass.java:1: 'class' or 'interface' expected
package com.pulpfreepress.jfa.chapter1;
src\com\pulpfreepress\jfa\chapter1\SampleClass.java:1: illegal character: \187
package com.pulpfreepress.jfa.chapter1;
src\com\pulpfreepress\jfa\chapter1\SampleClass.java:1: illegal character: \191
package com.pulpfreepress.jfa.chapter1;
src\com\pulpfreepress\jfa\chapter1\SampleClass.java:2: 'class' or 'interface' expected
import java.util.*;
[parsing completed 31ms]
[total 93ms]
7 errors

After hours and several Google searches on 'class' or 'interface' expected, checking syntax, etc with no success, I wondered what the hell this: was.

Turns out, in my efforts to create files that would be usable in Unix and Windows I encoded my text files as UTF-8. Upon changing them back to Ansii they compiled without error.

Time to read up on Unicode.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you so much, I don't remember when I changed the format, but this error makes me crazy.

Monday, October 13, 2008 5:05:00 PM  

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