Friday, July 14, 2006

Stuff I'd like to be doing

I find myself FULL of ideas and possibilities to of point of being debilitated by the options.  Sounds like an excuse to me... What better way to get started on something than to write it down.  I SUCK at writing things down.  My life would be monumentally different if I wrote stuff down.  It would be different, and better, if I wrote things down and followed up on them (which is why I gave up on writing things down).  Time to try again.

! F34R teh DR4F7

I hate doing things more than once.  No, I think it'd be more accurate to say I want to do things perfectly the first time.  The problem is, occasionally pull this off, thus reinforcing a BAD habit.  Trial and error is a good thing.  That's probably one of the things I like about programming.  (I actually enjoy debugging).  There's a contract between you and the compiler.  You tell it what you want is makes sure you're requests are clear.  Or something like that.  Point is, the feedback can be clear and instantaneous. And even when it's not, google makes it easy to hunt down the most mysterious of error messages.  Was I going somewhere with all of this?  Oh yeah <channeling Gir> Many ideas have not been put to action because I don't think I can pull them off without painful trial and error.  I could say I was a bit traumatized at an early age by my dad's insistence that my homework be perfect (as in nothing erased) to the point of removing the erasers from my pencils and making me start over if something required erasing or it wasn't "legible".  But that'd just be an excuse.  At this point, my choices are mine.  Right?

I would LOVE to do a web comic.  As much as I'd like to make others laugh, it's primary reason would be as a form of expression.  I've got a tablet PC and all the tools I need to get started, but it's been over 10 years since I've really drawn.  I kinda suck now.  So many ideas going unexpressed.  Slowly killing me inside.... :p

I'm also afraid that my expressions will be crap (even at their best).  I'm a strong proponent of "If you've got nothing good to say STFU"  When it comes down to it, I guess what I really want is to find others like me by expressing who I am and making some friends.  Maybe it's do a bit easier than the reverse.

Career Options - All the things I'm moderately qualified to do.

Developer (Web or otherwise)
Masseur (acupressure)

Why does conscious thought destroy he fruits of my creativity?!?  a.k.a Why The Fuck do I forget what I want to write as soon as I go to write it down??  GYAAAA!!!!!

eh. whatever.



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