Tuesday, January 08, 2008

iDea: Broadcast Tags for Photography

(Very) Rough idea: Set up small devices that broadcast location/event/time/etc info that cameras can pick up and record. The goal behind this is to automatically group pictures taken by anyone providing a broader perspective in space and time.

Broadcast Devices should be simple and provide Exact coordinates, time, and space for broadcaster provided description. Receivers should handle most of the heavy lifting and be included in image capturing devices.

Potential issues: Shows like CES would be difficult because there are so many objects in close proximity. Additional manual (and probably cumbersome) intervention would be required for accurate tagging.

Potential solution: Increased receiver processing power could allow for instructions to take in variables of location (mm level), direction and distance of subject(s) and tag individual items in a shot. (Holy Shit, That would be awesome).


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